
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A New Take on Sleeping Beauty

       So, a while ago I read the book Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross. Just yesterday, going to my public library, I decided, why not read it again? After that, I decided that this should be reviewed, so  without further ado, let's get into our review Kill Me Softly.

       So, first of all, we've seen books like this before, right? Books where the authors put a twist on Snow White, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, or any other classic fairy tale (Ex: Cinder series, Splintered). So the plot of this book is pretty simple. A girl unaware of a curse she has (She is destined to have the same fate as Sleeping Beauty), travels to her home town Beau Rivage.

       So, Mira is like any basic character, Parents dead, wants to learn more about her past. So she runs away to her birthplace and the place where her parents supposedly died in a fire. When she gets to Beau Rivage, she meets a series of characters who have their own fairy tale curse. She then learns about her curse and her "trigger" (what sets off the curse and puts her to sleep).

       But along with that, she meets Blue Valentine, and his brother, Felix Valentine. At first Blue seems like a total asshole, and Felix is the type of guy she falls in love with. She later discovers that Blue and Felix share a curse where they cannot live without love, and to survive, they kill other woman by kissing them (and feeding off of their energy).

       So this starts a whole new series of confusion about Mira's relationship with Felix, and whether he is good or bad.

       I believe that overall, this was a good book to read. I think it was interesting how Sarah Cross took the original fairy tale characters and made them into modern day teenagers. It was different from other "fairy tale plot twist" stories, because she added new problems that the characters had, and told their struggle to deal with their curses.

       Overall, I would give this book an 8 out of 10 star rating. The only criticism I have, is that the plot was good, and the dialogue wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as it could have been. So, Drama= Good, Suspense= Great. Not much more to say.

       For more movie/anything I feel like talking about review, G+ my blog.


Monday, July 18, 2016

"Feminist" Ghostbusters

       We are going to dive right into our review for Ghostbusters (2016) starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. I think that overall, the idea for this film was just alright to begin with. It mainly depended on how the filmakers made the movie, and the ideas that they had. I do believe that this could have been a very great movie. But the only significant difference from Ghostbusters (1984), was that the team was now made up of women.

       The cast was very good, though, yet the only character that I would cry for (if something happened to them) was Kate McKinnon's character. She was funny. The rest of the jokes in the movie were used as basic dialogue, yet they were very cliché. So that is most of the comedy in the movie. If this were fully considered a comedy movie I would give it a 2 out of 10 star rating.

       But it wasn't just comedy. It was supernatural action. I think that the effects were constructed well, but again, it was what everyone had expected out of the movie. So for the action part of the movie I would give it a 4 out of 10 star rating.

       So, is there anything else in the movie other than "comedy" and "action"?? Hehe, no. You didn't get very interested in the characters, it wasn't a movie that would stick in your mind for a long time. And as I said earlier, their was nothing special about this movie.

       But back to the question: Was it empowering for woman? No. And I know I am being a bit of an asshole for saying this, but aside from the occasional "lady joke", it wasn't very feminist which is what most people expected out of it.

       Overall, I would say that this would receive a 3 star rating. Comedy= Barely enough for it to be considered a comedic movie. Action= Not surprising. Feminism= The Ghostbusters were girls... :/

       For more movie/anything I feel like talking about reviews, G+ my blog,